
  • 《大侦探福尔摩斯》一

    11-08-01 精彩对白 watson: holmes. you're early. holmes: fashionably. watson: miss mary morstan. holmes: my goodness. what a pleasure. i don't know why it's taken him so long to introduce us properly. mary morstan: pleasure is mine . it really is quite a thri...

  • 野生鸽子能记住人脸

    11-07-04 new research has shown that feral(野生的,凶猛的) , untrained pigeons can recognise individual people and are not fooled by a change of clothes. researchers, who will be presenting their work at the society for experimental biology annual conferen...

  • 人脑如何识别处理面部信息

    11-03-17 it is no surprise to scientists that the largest social network on the web is called facebook. identifying people by their face is fundamental to our social interactions, one of the primary reasons vision researchers are trying to find out how our b...

  • 意总理贝卢斯科尼将接受脸部整形手术

    11-03-08 italian prime minister silvio berlusconi has undergone face surgery to restore his jaw after an attack by a man in 2009, government officials say. 意大利政府官员称,总理贝卢斯科尼将要做脸部整形手术以修复2009年被一男子打伤的下巴。 they say the operat...

  • crystal shoes of cinderella

    11-03-08 hi! john. mary ran towards me with a rare bright smile on her face, saying, i'm gonna have a dance performance tonight. i hope you'll come. here is the ticket. don't forget! she left in a hurry, disappearing in the throngs(人群) of people quickly....

  • 微创技术可用来修复面瘫

    11-01-18 a procedure involving only one small incision(切口,雕刻) and no major modifications to bone can be used to transpose(调换) a tendon(肌腱) and appears helpful in reanimating(鼓舞,使复活) the lower face after paralysis, according to a report...

  • 职业女性需警惕患上“电脑脸”

    10-10-04 a growing number of women are developing something called 'computer face', a leading cosmetic surgeon said. 一位权威整容外科医生指出,越来越多的女性正在患上一种被称作电脑脸的症状。 dr michael prager said professionals who worked long hours in front...

  • 鱼类可通过紫外线视觉辨认同类

    10-03-01 two species of damselfish(小热带鱼) may look identicalnot to mention drab浅褐色 to the human eye. but that's because, in comparison to(与相比) the fish, all of us are essentially colorblind(色盲的) . a new study published online on february 25...

  • mother's hands 母亲的手(二)

    09-10-27 don't put any onions in the salad, she reminds me. you know how daddy hates onions. 沙拉里一点洋葱也不要放,她提醒我,你知道你爸爸有多讨厌洋葱。 this time i can't answer. 这次我没有回答。 i just keep cutting. chopping. tearing. if only i could chop...

  • miss plastic hungary contest seeking "new" faces 匈牙利评选

    09-07-29 匈牙利一家公司计划于今年十月举办一个特别的选美比赛,评选匈牙利最美的整容小姐。参赛者不一定要天生丽质,但需做过整容手术。18到30岁的年轻女性均可报名参加此次选美,而30岁以上的参赛佳丽将被列入整容女士组的角逐,目前已有100多位女子报名参赛。主办方表示,举...
