
  • 15-05-26 the china financial futures exchange (cffex) will soon launch the country's first-ever stock index options , the shanghai securities news reported on may 25. 据《上海证券报》5月25日报道,中国金融期货交易所将推出我国首批股指期权产品。 股指期权亦作指...

  • 15-04-28 according to a report from bloomberg, industrial commercial bank of china (icbc) is now the world's most valuable bank, winning its duel with wells fargo company. 彭博社的一篇报道显示,中国工商银行打败美国富国银行成为世界上最有价值的银行。 wells far...

  • 15-01-12 mint , often used in the phrase the mint countries, is an acronym of mexico, indonesia, nigeria and turkey, and is used in financial spheres to characterize these countries as an economic group with growing influence. mint,通常称作薄荷国家或薄荷四...

  • 15-01-05 chinese premier li keqiang has pledged to provide a warm environment to boost moderate development of private banks during a visit to webank, the country's first internet-based banking service, headquartered in shenzhen. 中国总理李克强在参观微众银行...

  • 14-11-19 promoting and maintaining financial fraud whistleblower programs, such as those of the securities and exchange commission (sec) and the commodity futures trading commission (cftc), is costly. cases involving whistleblowers require significant resour...

  • 14-10-30 the number of billionaires in the world has more than doubled since the global financial crisis the charity oxfam said in a new report released on wednesday (october 29). 牛津饥荒救济委员会周三(10月29日)发布的一份报告中称,自2008年全球金融危机爆发...

  • 14-10-30 financial experts do not make higher returns on their own investments than untrained investors, according to research by a michigan state university business scholar. the first-of-its-kind study analyzed the private portfolios of mutual fund manager...

  • 14-10-21 global wealth skyrocketed 8.3 per cent over the past year to a record $263trillion, a report revealed. 报告显示,全球财富在去年一年里增加了8.3%,达到创纪录的263万亿美元。 but the research by credit suisse found the distribution of the riches has bec...

  • 14-08-04 ever since hillary clinton drew attention to her finances by claiming her family was dead broke when they left the white house, speculation has focused on a seemingly simple question: exactly how rich are the clintons? 此前,希拉里曾称离开白宫时一度...

  • 14-08-04 with global life expectancy now at age 68 for men and 73 for women, it's more likely than ever that your children will have to support you in old age. but will it be your son or your daughter who steps up to take responsibility? 随着全球寿命境况正迈...
