
  • 10-09-18 feeling stressed and in need of a vacation? you are not alone but more than half of americans do not take all their vacation days, even though they think they need a holiday more this year than last. 感到压力大、需要休假吗?你可不是唯一一个这样想的...

  • 10-08-22 taking frequent short breaks is better for you than one long holiday, research has found. 一项研究发现,不时休休短假比一次性休一个长假给人带来的快乐更多。 psychologists(心理学家) believe that people who use their holiday allowance in bursts rather...

  • 英国夫妇开设豪华宠物猫宾馆

    10-07-31 the days of wondering whether your cats ok while youre away may have gone. 对于外出度假时不知该如何安置自家宠物猫这个问题,英国人最近找到了答案。 sparky the cat relaxes beside in the autumn suite at longcroft luxury cat hotel. a new luxurious feline...

  • 10-06-10 求职面试的时候,hr都会跟面试者介绍公司的薪酬和福利待遇,其中很重要的一部分就是休假。什么年假、病假、事假,还有婚嫁、产假、丧假等等,漏掉一个都不行。不过,你知道吗?在英美国家,很多公司都为员工提供偷懒假,哪天要是怎么都不想去上班,你就可以不去,也不...

  • 10-06-05 if your surname is smith, you got up at 6.45am today and you're planning a summer holiday in spain, you're not alone. 如果你姓史密斯,今天是6点45分起床的,正在筹划去西班牙度假,那你并不是个特例。 mr and mrs average: the typical british family holida...

  • 09-12-26 因受近期恶劣天气的影响,英国大部分地区的交通出行状况都表现不佳,英国汽车工业协会在圣诞前夜警告人们最好等到圣诞节后一两天恶劣天气过去再做出行打算。据悉,此次恶劣天气已经导致至少19人丧生,而英国国内各个交通行业均受到严重影响。大量航班晚点或取消,火车...

  • 09-12-05 britons think france is the least hospitable country in which to go on holiday, according to a new online survey of 1,412 britons. 一项共有1412名英国人参与的在线调查显示,在英国人看来,法国是最不好客的度假目的地。 an image of france. britons think f...

  • 09-11-28 每年感恩节的第二天通常是美国度假购物季开始的日子,在经济危机重压下刚刚缓过些气的消费者可能会在商家大幅折扣的吸引下蜂拥而至,不过他们会否放开消费却尚待考证。商家和购物网站早早就公布了今年购物季的促销计划,希望在几十年来最惨淡购物季之后,对平板电视、...

  • 09-09-21 the westin resort, aruba. a luxury resort on the dutch caribbean island of aruba is offering amorous couples a discount of around 180 on a future booking if they conceive a child during their holiday. a luxury resort on the dutch caribbean island of...

  • 09-08-29 english holidaymakers are turning to drink on their breaks with the average adult consuming eight alcoholic drinks a day, a survey suggests. 调查显示,英国度假者一般会在空闲时间饮酒,一个成年人平均一天饮酒八次。 drinking and socialising is a key par...
