
  • 13-04-10 father: oh, jack, you have slept away the whole morning. don't you know you are wasting time? jack: yes, dad. but ive saved you a meal, haven't i? 父亲:噢,杰克,你又睡了一上午。难道你不知道你这是在浪费时间吗? 杰克:我知道,爸爸。可我还给您节省了...

  • 13-01-18 once upon a time there was a baby eagle living in a nest perched on a cliff overlooking a beautiful valley with waterfalls and streams, trees and lots of little animals, scurrying about enjoying their lives. the baby eagle liked the nest. it was the...

  • 12-08-29 some chinese restaurant operators may not consider developing an e-commerce division so there are big market opportunities for us, said jiang xing, the founder of canzhuowang, one of the online meal ordering and delivery service providers in shangha...

  • 12-07-13 eating alone doesn't seem to matter anymore if you can chat away on social networks - in fact it's now both a quick and entertaining affair. 独自进餐似乎不再是件头疼事,如果你在社交网络上聊天的话,现在独自进餐事实上是一件既便捷又有趣的事。 ' suppert...

  • 12-02-21 精彩对白 tulsi: it is most commendable that you ended your marriage. you seem like such a happy, free person now. liz: i think my ex-husband would describe me as selfish. tulsi: you mustn't be angry with yourself or disappointed. you don't have to m...

  • 11-09-22 three children have died and more than 50 others are seriously ill in peru after eating a school meal contaminated with pesticide, officials say. 秘鲁官员称,在吃了被农药污染的校餐之后,3名儿童死亡、50多人重...

  • 10-12-16 一般来说,只要有写字楼的地方,周边就会有很多餐馆,而且不论菜品好坏,到了午饭时间,公司白领们都会三五成群地前去捧...

  • 10-04-24 丹麦一家酒店近日推出一项低碳环保新举措,邀请入住的客人通过安装在酒店的脚踏发电自行车边运动边发电,如果发电量到达一定标准便可以免费享用一顿晚餐。 the crowne plaza copenhagen towers, 15 minutes from the centre of the danish capital and five minutes fr...

  • 09-11-25 你和朋友们一起聚餐的时候,会怎样处理买单的问题呢?你会在用餐快结束时,悄悄地离席,装作去卫生间,然后毫无张扬地把账结了?还是大家aa制?抑或是别人还没来得及提出分摊时,你就先拿出你应付的钱?你是怎么想的呢?聚餐时大家如何付账才合理而且礼貌呢? just how...

  • 09-08-08 英国一位女士将自己在抵抗心脏病过程中总结出来的一系列健康饮食搭配写成了食谱,而因为这本食谱,美国第一夫人邀请她到白宫共同烹制健康食品。2004年,这位女士因心脏主动脉受损,生命受到威胁;但是在她那些独家配料的饮食调养下,这位41岁的女士不但度过了生命危险...
