
  • 15-06-16 sometimes in life we have to suddenly face situations, whice we can only think of in our wildest nightmares. when we imagine ourselves to be in a difficult situation, we derive more thrills out of it, because we actually not experiencing it in real...

  • 14-08-14 the term friends with possibilities describes the situation where you start out as friends with someone, but have the possibility or potential for a relationship on the next level. friends with possibilities指的是你跟某人开始只做普通朋友,但有潜在可...

  • 14-05-15 once there was a young man who came to ask socrates how to learn philosophy. socrates said nothing but took him along to a river. he suddenly pushed him into the river forcibly. at first the young man thought socrates was kidding so he didn't take i...

  • 14-02-25 gallows humor is humor in the face of or about very unpleasant, serious, or painful circumstances. any humor that treats serious matters, such as death, war, disease, crime, etc., in a light, silly or satirical fashion is considered gallows humor. g...

  • 13-12-24 the eleventh hour is used to describe the final moments of a given event, or situation where change is still a possibility. 第十一个小时用来形容某件事的最后一刻,不过扭转局势依然是有可能的。 if you do something usually involving a difficult decision...

  • 13-04-07 situational intimacy refers to intimate feelings that are generated by proximity or a shared situation instead of love or some other deep connection. it can be the intimacy that springs up at work, at a concert, lecture or ball game, or watching a n...

  • déjà vu 似曾相识的感觉

    12-07-03 dj vu (literally already seen) is the experience of feeling sure that one has already witnessed or experienced a current situation, even though the exact circumstances of the previous encounter are uncertain and were perhaps imagined. dj vu(法语,...

  • 12-04-05 finlit is an abbreviation of the expression financial literacy, the ability to understand language and issues relating to finance so that you can make informed and effective decisions about your financial situation. finit(金融素养)是financial lite...

  • 11-03-28 how does your best friend feel when people act needy(贫困的) ? or, about people being dishonest? what do they think when others seem uncomfortable in social situations? according to an upcoming study in psychological science, a journal of the asso...

  • 09-11-21 澳大利亚新南威尔士大学心理学教授约瑟夫弗格斯新近的一项研究发现,负面情绪能够提高人们的判断力,让他们少受骗;同时还能增强记忆力。这项研究显示,处于负面情绪中的人对周围环境关注更多,也更具批判性;而相比之下,开心的人们不太注意周围环境,而且很容易相信...
