
  • 分词的用法

    22-11-16 分词在句中既具有动词的特征,也有形容词的功能。分词可以帮助说话者用动词的不同形式传达额外的信息,或用简短的几个词语造出结构复杂的句子。做下面的测验,看看你对分词基本用法的掌握。 1. which of the following verb forms is not a participle? a) hes always...

  • 22-11-16 在观看任何体育比赛时,能恰当地使用英语单词来描述观赛、竞技、得奖、夺冠是我们应掌握的基础知识。 1. which is the correct use of the verb to win in this sentence? russia are likely ______ the ice hockey. a) to win b) winning c) win d) winner 2. choose...

  • 不可数名词的用法

    22-11-10 英语中名词可分为可数名词与不可数名词。单数可数名词前通常会有不定冠词a、an,而不可数名词前通常不带有不定冠词。 1. which of these things are considered uncountable nouns? a) milk b) rice c) sleep d) all of the above 2. which one these nouns is countab...

  • 动名词

    22-11-10 动名词,即动词 ing 形式,是兼有动词和名词特性的非限定性动词。什么时候应该在动词后加 ing 构成动名词呢?你能在一个句子中准确地找出其含有的动名词吗? 1. complete this sentence. a gerund is a noun formed from a ______? a) adjective b) verb c) infiniti...

  • 20-10-15 take off is a phrasal verb. this means it is a verb (take) followed by a particle (off). phrasal verbs are tricky because they can have many different meanings depending on the context. take off 是一个动词短语,它由动词 take 和小品词 off 组成。动词...

  • 20-09-03 单词 been 和 gone 分别是动词 be 和 go 的过去分词,用于完成时中。虽然过去分词 been 和 gone 都可以用来谈论一段经历或旅程,但它们所表达的意思不同。been 暗示旅程已结束,并已返回出发地;而 gone 则暗示旅程仍在进行中,未返回出发地。 1 共同点 过去分词 both...

  • 20-09-03 be going to 结构和现在进行时都可以用来谈论未来的计划和安排,但在使用时要注意它们的区别:be going to 只能指一个大致的安排、打算,而现在进行时可以突出未来的计划已经确定,细节已定。 1. 语法结构 1) be going to 结构 be going to is followed by a bare infi...

  • 14-03-12 teacher: john, what is the past participle of the verb to ring? john: what do you think it is, sir? teacher: i don't think, i know! john: i don't think i know either, sir! 老师:john,动词ring的过去分词是什么? 约翰:你想它是什么呢? 老师:我不用想...

  • 13-05-13 n.[c] 或 cn=countable noun 可数名词 n.[u] 或 un=uncountable noun 不可数名词 v.[t] 或 vt=transitive verb 及物动词 v.[i] 或 vi=intransitive verb 不及物动词 a 或 adj=adjective 形容词 ad 或 adv=adverb 副词 conj=conjunction 连接词 prep=preposition 介词 p...

  • 11-10-11 when an ordinarily active verb is deliberately twisted into passive form, it often implies the helplessness of the person in controlling his own fate. college graduates can be job hunted, ordinary people's opinions can also be represented. 如果一个...
