英语新闻 / 文化教育-凯发手机版

日期:2020-04-01 位于荷兰拉伦市的辛格博物馆30日宣布,荷兰画家梵高1884年画作《纽恩南春天里的牧师花园》30日凌晨被盗。巧合的是,3月30日正是梵高的生日。盗贼在当地时间30日凌晨3点15分破门而入,当警察听到报警器响赶到现场时,盗贼已经逃离。 a vincent van gogh painting was sto...

日期:2020-03-31 针对因为国家暂时限制入境措施而无法返回中国的外国学生,中国教育部已要求各校提供线上教学。 the education authority has asked universities to conduct online teaching for foreign students who cannot return to china due to the countrys temporary entry re...

日期:2020-03-31 由于新冠病毒的爆发,高考将被推迟一个月,于7月7日和8日举行。 the national college entrance examination, or gaokao, will be postponed for a month to july 7 to 8 due to the novel coronavirus outbreak, the ministry of education said. authorities in hube...

日期:2020-03-30 因感染新冠病毒于上周住院的日本喜剧艺人志村健逝世,享年70岁。 japanese comedian ken shimura, who was hospitalized last week after being infected with the new coronavirus, has died. he was 70. a household name in japan since the 1970s, shimura was a ne...

日期:2020-03-30 曾获得奥斯卡大奖的韩国电影《寄生虫》票房创新高,成为英国票房最高的外语类影片。 oscar-winning south korean movie parasite has achieved another milestone by becoming the highest-grossing non-english language film in the uk. it grossed 528,864 on its f...

日期:2020-03-25 由于新冠病毒的爆发,lady gaga将延迟专辑chromatica的发行。 lady gaga is delaying the release of her new album chromatica, because of the coronavirus outbreak. the artist made the announcement on her social media accounts. this is such a hectic and sc...

日期:2020-02-11 south korean people and media on monday hailed parasite as the black comedy thriller picked up four awards, including best picture, at the 92nd academy awards ceremony, or oscars. 韩国黑色喜剧惊悚电影《寄生虫》斩获第92届奥斯卡四项大奖,韩国民众和媒...

日期:2020-02-11 phoenix, capital of the us state of arizona, held its 30th chinese culture and cuisine festival over the weekend to celebrate the year of the rat and share chinese culture with local residents. 美国亚利桑那州首府菲尼克斯上周末举行第30届中国文化和美...

日期:2020-01-23 perhaps more than any other category of professionals, creative types are expected to thrive in brainstorms. in the publics imagination, their offices are filled with fidget toys and post-it notes in an array of colors, all meant to absorb some of t... 阅读全文>>

日期:2020-01-23 according to a recent survey of 2,000 americans, the vast majority of men feel better about themselves with some facial hair. facial hair is so important to modern men that one in five say they would give up sex for a full year if it meant they coul...

日期:2019-12-13 the japan kanji aptitude testing foundation, or jkatf, announced on thursday that rei was the publics top choice, reaping 30,427 votes among 216,325 suggestions received through online surveys and postcards. 日本汉字能力检定协会12月12日宣布,通过在...

日期:2019-12-13 if youre reading this story, the chances are youve got a pretty good grasp of english. 如果你在读这篇报道,十有八九你的英语还不错。 youre not alone -- an estimated 1.5 billion people speak english today, making it the most commonly used language in...

日期:2019-12-11 merriam-webster has named they its word of the year. 韦氏词典近日将they(他们/她们)评为2019年度词汇。 the us dictionary also recently added a new definition of they, reflecting its use as a singular personal pronoun for non-binary people. searches...

日期:2019-12-06 sichuan university in the city of chengdu established chinas first science fiction research academy last week. 位于成都的四川大学上周成立国内首个科幻研究院。 the institute, which was set up in partnership with the sichuan association for science and...

日期:2019-11-26 oxford dictionaries has declared climate emergency the word of the year for 2019, following a hundred-fold increase in usage that it says demonstrated a greater immediacy in the way we talk about the climate. 近日,《牛津词典》公布了2019年度词汇气候...

日期:2019-11-25 teenagers in south korea are the laziest in the world, according to a global study. 根据一项全球研究,韩国的青少年是全世界最懒的。 a country-by-country breakdown of physical activity levels has revealed just one in five 11 to 17-year-olds get as muc...

日期:2019-11-08 the guangdong-hong kong-macao greater bay area center of china media group (cmg) officially opened on november 7, along with the launch of the new mobile media platform of the voice of greater bay area. 中央广播电视总台粤港澳大湾区中心11月7号正式启...

日期:2019-11-07 the lord of the rings director peter jacksons latest work will meet chinese audiences on nov 11th. 《指环王》导演彼得杰克逊的最新作品将于11月11日与中国观众见面。 they shall not grow old is a documentary looking at the soldiers and events of world wa...

日期:2019-11-07 china will work to uphold and improve the system for developing an ecological civilization and promote the harmonious coexistence between humans and nature, according to a decision of the communist party of china (cpc) central committee. 中共中央委...

日期:2019-09-09 china will issue a set of coins, starting from september 10, to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the peoples republic of china (prc), the central bank said. 9月10号起,中国人民银行将发行一组纪念币,庆祝建国70周年。 the set include...

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