英语新闻 / 文化教育-凯发手机版

日期:2021-10-14 考古学家发现了两个新的恐龙物种,它们可能在1.25亿年前在英格兰南部游荡。这个发现为了解这些捕食者提供了新的认知。 they would have been a terrifying sight, roaming the earth 125 million years ago. both were nine metres long with skulls similar to a croc...

日期:2021-10-14 根据 iucn(世界自然保护联盟)的一份最新报告,一度濒临灭绝的几种金枪鱼的数量开始回升。在法国马赛召开的 iucn 世界自然保护大会上,该组织更新了它们的 濒危物种红色名录。 a decade ago, all seven types of tuna were deemed at serious risk of extinction. tha...

日期:2021-10-14 近期,持续多日的强降雨波及山西中南部,令当地众多古建不同程度受损。 the national cultural heritage administration told a media briefing on tuesday that 1,783 heritage sites across shanxi had been damaged as of monday. major damage includes cracks in...

日期:2021-10-13 10月12日,我国正式设立三江源、大熊猫、东北虎豹、海南热带雨林、武夷山等第一批国家公园。 the protected land area of the national parks is 230,000 square kilometers and they cover nearly 30 percent of the key terrestrial wildlife species found in china...

日期:2021-10-12 2021年诺贝尔奖10月4日至11日陆续公布。提起诺贝尔奖,相信大家一定都不陌生。作为目前世界范围内科学和文学领域的最高奖项,诺贝尔奖从1901年首次颁发以来,已经有120年的历史。你知道诺贝尔奖的由来吗?诺贝尔奖共设有几个类别?诺贝尔奖的奖金是如何分配的?下面10...

日期:2021-10-04 这种点心被多家外媒报道,它的外形类似饺子,里面是猪肉或牛肉馅,在澳大利亚全国各地的炸鱼薯条店都有售。 dim sims, or dimmies, are a variant of the traditional chinese dumpling. served in a variety of ways, including steamed and fried, they first gained...

日期:2021-09-25 9月23日是农历秋分,也是第四个中国农民丰收节。 a series of events ranging from art performances and farmers sports meetings to calligraphy and painting exhibitions are being held across the country to mark the fourth chinese farmers harvest festival...

日期:2021-09-25 据美国有线电视新闻网报道,考古学家近日在摩洛哥的一个洞穴中发现了62件用于处理和打磨动物皮革的骨器,这可能是考古发现中最早关于人类着装的指向性证据之一。这些工具距今有9万至12万年的历史。 in popular culture, cave men (and women) are often draped in furs...

日期:2021-09-16 你接到霍格沃茨的电话了吗? 最近,你的朋友圈是否被一封来自霍格沃茨魔法学院的入学通知刷屏? a harry potter-themed mobile phone game has become a hit in the chinese market following its launch on thursday, with millions of players posting pictures of t...

日期:2021-09-07 according to the circular issued by the publicity department of the communist party of china central committee, chinas rapidly-growing culture and entertainment industry is still troubled with various negative phenomena such as excessively high paym...

日期:2021-09-02 近日,一部取材自真实案件的网剧火了。这就是孙红雷、张艺兴和刘奕君等主演的《扫黑风暴》,从8月9日上线至今,已突破27亿播放量。 two years ago, li eryun and huang xing, co-producers of crime crackdown who both work for tencent video, read a lot of news st...

日期:2021-09-02 日前,国务院教育督导委员会印发《教育督导问责办法》,自9月1日起正式施行。 this is chinas first guideline on education inspection and accountability which aims to ensure the countrys educational laws, regulations, guidelines and policies can be proper...

日期:2021-08-30 日前,国务院第三次全国国土调查领导小组办公室、自然资源部、国家统计局发布《第三次全国国土调查主要数据公报》。 china now has a total area of 23.46 million hectares of wetlands, of which mangrove forests account for 27,100, according to the third natio...

日期:2021-08-30 定档2021圣诞季北美上映的《蜘蛛侠3:英雄无归》日前遭遇了预告片泄露风波,不过一天之后漫威就紧急发布了高清正式版的全球首支预告片,满足了影迷们的好奇心。新片中,奇异博士将成为蜘蛛侠的新导师,这对小蛛配奇会碰撞出什么样的火花呢? the spider-verse is back....

日期:2021-08-26 随着为期三个月的内部压力测试工作临近尾声,北京环球度假区宣布将于9月1日正式开启试运行。 universal beijing resort will be open to invited guests only during the trial operation, including selected resort partners and a limited number of winners in off...

日期:2021-08-24 爱穿白t恤的阿喜长得就像一个可爱的邻家女孩,她牙齿有点歪,脸上有痘印,甚至会毫不顾忌地在镜头前打哈欠,然而,正是这样不完美的虚拟偶像却受到了国内广大网友的喜爱,人气直逼真人明星。 your skins a bit dry, one user commented on a video posted by angie, a...

日期:2021-08-20 据《好莱坞报道》报道,猎鹰安东尼麦凯已和漫威签约,将会主演《美国队长4》。《美国队长4》将由《猎鹰与冬兵》的编剧马尔科姆斯佩尔曼和达兰穆森共同编写剧本。 the falcon and the winter soldier star anthony mackie has been tapped to star in disney/marvels ca...

日期:2021-08-20 针对近期发生的杨倩、陈梦、全红婵等奥运健儿姓名被申请注册商标事宜,8月19日,国家知识产权局发布通告,依法驳回相关商标注册申请。 the national intellectual property administration rejected 109 applications for trademark registration using names of olymp...

日期:2021-08-11 国家林草局最新发布,近年来随着我国生态保护和打击盗猎力度的加强,我国藏羚羊数量不断增加。 the number of tibetan antelopes in china has quadrupled in the past decades, reaching about 300,000 from fewer than 70,000 in the 1980s and 1990s, according to...

日期:2021-07-29 近年来,人脸识别技术在社会生活中得到广泛运用,随之而来的纠纷也日益增多。近日公布的《最高人民法院关于审理使用人脸识别技术处理个人信息相关民事案件适用法律若干问题的规定》,进一步明确这些热点问题的适用法律,为维护个人信息安全增添保障。 shops installing...

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