英语故事 / 名人传记-凯发手机版

日期:2020-04-08 约翰费茨杰拉德肯尼迪出生于1917年,于1963年遇刺身亡。人们更为熟知的是他名字的缩写-jfk。肯尼迪是美国第35任总统。肯尼迪是爱尔兰后裔,他出生于马塞诸塞州,1940年毕业于哈佛大学。他在就职典礼上说了一番让人难以忘怀的话语:不要问国家能为你干什么;要问你能给... 阅读全文>>

日期:2020-04-08 罗纳德威尔逊里根是美国第40任总统,任期为1981-1989年。1911年,里根出生于伊利诺伊州。他努力刻苦,在学校学习经济学和社会学。毕业之后,他成为了一名体育广播播音员。1973年,在一次试镜中,他获得了去好莱坞发展的机会。在过去的二十年中,他在53部电影中出演过角... 阅读全文>>

日期:2020-04-08 乔治赫伯特沃克布什是美国第41任总统。他任期为一届,时间是1989-1993年。1924年,老布什出生于马塞诸塞州。他的父亲-普雷斯科特布什曾经是一位参议员。乔治18岁那年参加了海军,并成为了一名最年轻的飞行员。在二战期间,他接受了58次战斗任务。并因战功卓著被授予飞... 阅读全文>>

日期:2020-04-08 1946年,威廉杰斐逊克林顿出生于阿肯色州的霍普,就在他出生的三个月后,他的父亲在一次车祸中去世。他出生时的姓氏是布莱斯。之后母亲改嫁,他随了继父的姓氏。克林顿在校的学习成绩非常好,他还是一名萨克斯手,并曾经想成为一名专业的音乐家。在高中时,他遇见了约... 阅读全文>>

日期:2020-04-08 乔治沃克布什是美国第43任总统,任期为2001-2009年。1946年的7月6日,小布什出生于康涅狄格州他的父亲-乔治赫伯特沃克布什是美国第41任总统。1968年,小布什获得了耶鲁大学学士学位,之后进入了得克萨斯州国民警卫队空军,成为一名战斗机驾驶员。1975年,他获得了哈佛... 阅读全文>>

日期:2020-04-08 barack obama is the 44th president of the usa. he was born in hawaii in 1961 to a kenyan father and american mother. his parents divorced and his mother married an indonesian man, thus obama lived in indonesia between the ages of six to ten, before... 阅读全文>>

日期:2020-03-19 克里斯托弗马洛,英国诗人,剧作家。1564年2月出生于坎特伯雷一贫穷鞋匠之家,与莎士比亚同年出生。 christopher marlowe was an english playwright, poet, and translator of the elizabethan era. he was born in canterbury, england, in 1564. he died young at t... 阅读全文>>

日期:2019-10-27 a great friendship thomas jefferson and james madison met in 1776.could it have been any other year? they worked together starting then to further american revolution and later to shape the new scheme of government. from the work sprang a friendship... 阅读全文>>

日期:2016-03-26 washington was the first president of the u.s. he was very clever even when he was still a 12-year-old-boy. once a thief stole some money from uncle post, washington's neighbor. the door of the house was not broken, and things in the room were in go... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-04-23 franklin's life is full of charming stories which all young men should know -- how he sold books in boston, and became the guest of kings in europe; how he was made major general franklin, only to quit because, as he said, he was no soldier, and yet... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-10-28 demades the orator was once speaking in the assembly at athens; but the people were very inattentive to what he was saying, so he stopped and said, gentlemen, i should like to tell you one of aesop's fables. this made every one listen intently. then... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-09-16 once a neighbor stole one of washington's horse. washington horse back. but the neighbor refused to give the horse back. he said that it was his horse. suddenly washington had a good idea. he put both of his hands over the eyes of the horse and said... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-09-07 my wife got sick. she was constantly nervous because of problems at work, personal life, her failures and problems with children. she has lost 30 pounds and weighed about 90 pounds in her 35 years. she got very skinny, and was constantly crying. she... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-09-03 one day, the french famous writer tristan bernard went to a restaurant for dinner. but he was not very satisfied with the food. bring the manager. he said to the waiter after paying the bill. soon the manager came. the writer told him, please give m... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-09-03 author james thurber depended on words for entertainment. he told me once about a trick he played on a nurse during one of his hospital stays. he asked her what a seven-letter word had three u's in it. she thought and then said, i don't know, but it... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-09-03 andersen(1805-1875) live very simply. he often wore an old hat when he went out. once someone in the street laughed at him, what's that on your head. can it be called a hat? andersen replied, what's that under your hat? can it be called a head? 安徒... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-09-03 once albert einstein, the world-famous scientist, was traveling by train. at dinner time he went to the dining car. menu in hand, he suddenly readlized that he had forgotten his glasses in his compartment. he shrugged. unwilling to go back, he tried... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-09-03 a young man once asked albert einstein what the secret of success was. the great scientist told him that the secret of success was hard work. a few days later the young man asked him the same question again. einstein was very annoyed. he did not say... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-09-03 one day, a thief broke into picasso's home. the housekeeper caught sight of the thief the moment he ran away. she picked up the pencil and paper to scrabble(乱涂) a portrait of him. at the same time, picasso who was sitting at the balcony saw the... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-09-03 when pable picasso was a little boy, he lived in a small town in spain. his mother liked to call him piz. it is the spanish word for pencil. as a baby, he liked pencils and chalks better than any of his toys. picasso's father was an artist. he spent... 阅读全文>>

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